This chess workbook was designed for kids who want to learn and improve their chess tactics and chess strategies. Most kids will benefit quickly because of the chess puzzles, chess openings and chess defenses that are presented in the workbook. Beginners will immediately have fun as they learn to apply these tactics to their games. We offer private chess class and group chess classes. Chess Coaches will find this workbook very useful because it helps them how to identify the names of the chess tactics, chess openingchess defenses and how to apply some simple counter-attacks. By sharing this information with beginners, intermediates, and advanced players this workbook will become a valuable tool. You will find games played with comments (London System; Old Indian Defense);  and some simple plays against Caro Kann, Sicilian, and the Ruy Lopez.
Kindle version

In the Puzzle Section:

Finding the Attacking Pieces. This is where you have to locate the number of exchanges that can be found when white and black begin to capture each other and then compare your results with the answer page. Forking Tactics is where a moving piece will be attacking two pieces and again you will be asked to compare your results with the answer page. Finding Checkmate in oneFinding Checkmate in twoFinding Checkmate in threeFinding Checkmate in four.